As part of its aim to foster cybersecurity awareness and promote discussions on cybersecurity in a cross-cultural context, the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) and Biaka University Institute of Buea (BUIB) held two hybrid workshops targeting students and professionals across the globe. Both workshops were conducted in collaboration with the Erasmus/Movetia project MECyS.
The Competence Center Digital Trust at FHNW welcomed over 20 motivated young participants, aged 10 to 13, for a day of exploration, education, and empowerment during the Swiss National Future Day 2024. Led by Hermann Grieder and Janine Jäger, the interactive workshop aimed to equip children with the skills to navigate the digital world responsibly and safely.
In November, we released the beta version of our "Digital Trust Radar for AI." The Digital Trust Radar provides access to ethical guidelines, legal requirements, and other documents for the regulation of artificial intelligence. The search can be narrowed down according to various criteria using a graphical interface. The title, author, abstract, all kinds of metadata, and the link to the document are provided.
On 6th of December the TPH-funded research between the FHNW Competence Center Digital Trust and Biaka University Institute of Buea (BUIB) resulted in a large on-ground event at the Cameroonian campus.Introduction and welcomeAs a start, Prof. Fonkeng (BUIB) and Prof. Dr. Bettina Schneider (FHNW) stressed the relevance of international collaboration…