Projects, Education, News, Research

#SwissAfricaCySec – The Swiss-African Cybersecurity Community by FHNW and 10 other partners is off to strong start!

13. September 2024

Funded by Movetia International Programme, FHNW has launched the SwissAfricaCySec project, bringing together 11 partners — 6 African higher education institutions and 4 Swiss organisations.

This ambitious 18-month project aims to create a digital platform to foster cross-cultural exchange, enhance cybersecurity skills, and facilitate research collaboration between educators, researchers, and students across both regions.

The kick-off meeting showcased the enthusiasm and commitment of all partners, highlighting their dedication to achieving the project’s overarching goal — establish a sustainable cybersecurity community.

The diversity of the consortium, in terms of institutional backgrounds, expertise, and geographical reach, promises rich and varied outcomes throughout the project’s different phases. Key objectives include designing the community structure, developing a digital platform, conducting research and workshops, and ultimately establishing a long-term association to support future initiatives.

Project phases / work packages.

This collaborative effort is set to make a significant impact on the field of cybersecurity education and research, creating a robust platform for innovation and growth across borders.

This project is financially supported by Movetia. Movetia promotes exchange, mobility and cooperation in education, training and youth work – in Switzerland, Europe and worldwide. ​

​This material was produced for the Movetia-funded research project ‹Swiss-Africa Cybersecurity Community›; the contents reflect the views of the authors and Movetia cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Schlagworte: Collaboration, Cybersecurity, Education

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