Trinational Digital Trust Days

From 26th -28th of April 2023, the Digital Trust competence center will host the fourth edition of the Trinational Digital Trust Days! The three-day event is free of charge and is targeted towards employees from small and medium-sized enterprises interested in cybersecurity, data protection, ethics, and new technologies. It is not an expert event; instead we aim to create a space for exchange, hands-on insights and discussion on how cyber risks affects the work of small and medium-sized businesses. The unique feature of the event is its trinational character, which brings together interested people from Germany, France and Switzerland.
On Day 1 live in Basel we will host interactive sessions on Digital Trust in the triregion and beyond
On Day 2, which will take place online, four parallel sessions will take place on topics ranging from cybersecurity to ethics in connection with Digital Trust.
On Day 3, live in Basel again, we will host a Career Day focusing on the various job profiles in the area of Digital Trust, with the event ending in a social networking apéro