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Franka Ebob Enow Ebai, representing the Digital Trust Competence Centre in Florence, delivered a presentation on the topic “Quantum Computing as an Uprising Topic for Business Students in Higher Educational Institutions”

The 14th edition of the Future of Education Conference was held in Florence on July 20th and 21st, bringing together over 200 educators and researchers from more than 30 countries. One of the key presentations featured our research paper on the relevance of quantum computing (QC) to businesses and educational…

News, Education

International Group Work Award in Quantum Computing

From March to April 2024, the Competence Center Digital Trust, in collaboration with Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) and the FHNW School of Life Sciences in Muttenz, conducted an innovative quantum computing course for business students at FHNW, known as the Quantum Computing Circle (QCC). This pioneering course aimed to equip…
