The applied research project MECyS aims to achieve relevant cybersecurity and data protection training for non-IT staff in small businesses. Prof. Dr. Bettina Schneider presented MECyS in context of a further education program at the FHNW School of Business
In collaboration with Endress + Hauser Flow and supported by Innosuisse, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) is embarking on a journey to bolster the security of Industrie 4.0 interfaces. This ambitious project, part of the Industrie 2025 initiative, aims to develop a cutting-edge software tool that evaluates and enhances the safety of data interfaces in networked machine and system environments.
We hope you all had a fantastic start to the new year! Here at the Competence Center Digital Trust, we took advantage of the lecture-free period to put our heads together and set the course for an exciting 2024.🌐 Trinational Digital Trust Day on May 13 An exceptional highlight in…
New interdisciplinary research project at IBE (HT), IMVS (HT), and IWI (HSW).In the context of Industry 4.0, increasingly autonomous, intelligent, and non-hierarchical machine and system systems are being deployed in production and logistics. These systems are interconnected through a so-called integration platform (also IoT platform) and share a common data…
Our Erasmus+ research project – MECyS has reached an essential milestone! A Training Report was published in November 2023, and this has been adapted to the needs of Switzerland.Aimed at providing an overview of how a Cybersecurity learning process for MSEs can be organised, the training report covers three…
On the 13th of June, the second workshop of the MECyS project took place in Paris. It was organized by Anemo, a member of the MECyS consortium.The workshop was designed with the primary goal of fostering a collaborative environment for participants to explore and discuss various aspects of cybersecurity education.
In Switzerland, whistleblowers are relatively poorly protected compared to other countries. Reporting misconduct often exposes whistleblowers to the risk of termination, legal charges, or discredit. The research team led by Prof. Dr. Petra Asprion and Frank Grimberg at the University of Economics has been working on the development of a…
Our competence center Digital Trust is very happy to welcome our guest Tesfaye Bayu Bati from Hawassa University, Ethiopia at our offices in Basel. Supported by the SNF Scientific Exchange program, our guest is staying in Switzerland for one month. During that time, we are contributing to an increasingly important…
The EU H2020 GEIGER project was a 4 million Euro, multi-year research project with 17 partners from 9 different countries with the aim to increase cybersecurity of small and micro enterprises. At the project end, we presented the results to the European Commission in Brussels in January 2023. The presentation…
We are happy, that we could finish our very promising GEIGER Project ( founded from the EU via Horizon 2020 research program. The GEIGER project was a 4 million Euro, multi-year research project with 17 partners from 9 different countries with the aim to increase the cybersecurity of micro…