
Recap of the 5th Digital Trust Day 2024

23. Mai 2024

On May 13, 2024, we celebrated the 5th Digital Trust Day, an event that has grown in stature and impact with each passing year. This year’s event welcomed over 100 participants, including students, professionals, and notable guests such as ISACA, and Andreas von Grebmer and Heike Klaus from CISS.

The Morning Session

The day commenced with an interactive and enlightening morning session dedicated to IS Audit students. The session began with a welcome address, setting an enthusiastic tone for the day. Frank Grimberg and Prof. Dr. Petra Maria Asprion engaged the attendees with the presentation on «The Creative Perspective of IS Audit,» emphasizing innovative approaches within the field. The teams of future IT auditors developed fantastic teamwork, posters, Lego Serious® based models and presentations around emerging technologies and their impact on IT audit in the future.

Following a brief break, Prof. Dr. Rob Fijneman (Professor for IT auditing @ TIlburg School in the Netherlands) delivered a keynote speech titled «Shaping the Future with IS Auditing,» inspiring students with insights into the evolving landscape of IS audit. Thanks also to Haris Asani, Janine Dvorak, Daors Halili, Benjamin Moser, and Martin Wiedemann – they all helped to make it a fruitful morning with their expertise and feedbacks to the teams.

The Afternoon Sessions

The afternoon session, open to a broader audience, began with registration and workshop selection. Prof. Dr. Bettina Schneider and Prof. Dr. Petra Maria Asprion officially opened the session with a keynote on «The Powerhouse of Digital Trust,» setting the stage for the workshops that followed.

Participants had the opportunity to attend two workshop sessions, choosing from a variety of topics. They provided hands-on experiences and practical insights into the multifaceted world of digital trust.

SheLeadsTech by ISACA

The day’s events culminated with the SheLeadsTech segment by ISACA, where Prof. Dr. Petra Maria Asprion delivered a keynote on «Digital Trust Insights.» This segment highlighted the importance of digital trust beyond being a mere buzzword, and introduced an envisioned course module package named «The Powerhouse of Digital Trust»

Networking and Conclusion

The event concluded with an Apéro sponsored by ISACA, offering a relaxed environment for attendees to eat, discuss, and network, fostering connections and collaborations that will undoubtedly extend beyond the event itself.

Looking Forward

The 5th Digital Trust Day was a great success. The high level of engagement and the positive feedback from participants reaffirm our commitment to advancing the conversation around Digital Trust. We look forward to the next iteration of this event, promising even more insightful discussions, innovative workshops, and opportunities to shape the future of digital trust.

Thank you to all who participated and contributed to making this event a success.

Your Digital Trust Competence Center Team

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