In the dynamic world of applied computing, recognition is a mark of exceptional achievement. We are thrilled to announce that Maximilian Rosenberg, a graduate in Business Information Technology (Wirtschaftsinformatik) from School of Business FHNW (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz), has been honored with the «Outstanding Paper Award» at the Applied Computing Conference 2023…
A recent study conducted by armasuisse Science and Technology and the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW) offers an insightful analysis of Switzerland’s cybersecurity research efforts. The study involved 22 Swiss universities and examined their contributions to 14 different cybersecurity research domains, as defined by the European Joint Research Center. Key…
On September 18, 2023, members of the Economy – Labor Market – Health Commission of the Upper Rhine Council, chaired by Basel City Councillor Andrea Elisabeth Knellwolf, gathered in Saint-Louis. The agenda for the meeting, in the context of the thematic priorities for 2023, primarily focused on the topic of…
On the 13th of June, the second workshop of the MECyS project took place in Paris. It was organized by Anemo, a member of the MECyS consortium.The workshop was designed with the primary goal of fostering a collaborative environment for participants to explore and discuss various aspects of cybersecurity education.
In Switzerland, whistleblowers are relatively poorly protected compared to other countries. Reporting misconduct often exposes whistleblowers to the risk of termination, legal charges, or discredit. The research team led by Prof. Dr. Petra Asprion and Frank Grimberg at the University of Economics has been working on the development of a…
We are thrilled to share the amazing experience we had during our virtual cybersecurity workshop with the talented students from the SwissLink Professional University - Cameroon. Over the course of two days, we delved into the world of cybersecurity, empowering both technical and non-technical students with essential knowledge and skills to navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape. ...
We are very pleased with our 4th edition of the Trinational Days «DigitalTrust» ! The three-day event was an extremely inspiring, informative and pleasant experience with interesting speakers and great networking opportunities for both students and employers.On day 1, first our new competence center «Digital Trust» was introduced, followed by…
Our competence center Digital Trust is very happy to welcome our guest Tesfaye Bayu Bati from Hawassa University, Ethiopia at our offices in Basel. Supported by the SNF Scientific Exchange program, our guest is staying in Switzerland for one month. During that time, we are contributing to an increasingly important…
The EU H2020 GEIGER project was a 4 million Euro, multi-year research project with 17 partners from 9 different countries with the aim to increase cybersecurity of small and micro enterprises. At the project end, we presented the results to the European Commission in Brussels in January 2023. The presentation…